This Thursday morning Jane Finch Students Will Cheer From Balconies.


7th Annual Walk of Excellence Pannist Will Perform at Jane/Finch This Thursday.

Press Release
What : Jane & Finch graduates Walk With Excellence
When : June 18th., 2020, 10.00 am - 11.00 - Pannists play at designated spots throughout the community from Wilson/Keele to Shoreham and Jane.
Earl LaPierre Jr. AfroPan

Who 10.30 am - 11.00 am Earl LaPierre Jr. pannist travels from Westview Secondary home origins of Afro-Pan, Canada’s oldest steelband to the intersection of Jane & Finch.
Where: 11.00 - 12.00 pm Pannists play at intersection
York University Faculty Association gathers to symbolically mark the passage from high school to post secondary.
11.00 - 12.00 - Virtual Walk on Zoom, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Youtube
This year’s 7th annual Walk With Excellence parade, will be virtual with some physical elements. Steel Pannists will create a day of celebration for the graduating students in the Jane & Finch Community. This year’s celebration includes Kindergarten - High School.

(r) PanMan Pat plays his walking Pan

The morning begins as 20 pannists bring their instruments to life. The steel pans symbolize the spirit of the students and is a reminder that Toronto’s steel pan history was nurtured at Westview Secondary with the roots of Afro-Pan. The virtual event will be transmitted from The Spot at Yorkgate Mall.
Participating TDSB high schools are; Emery, Downsview, Westview, CW Jeffreys and James Cardinal McGuigan representing the TDCSB.
Founded by A Different Booklist Cultural centre and EAW, the WWE is supported by the TDSB, YUFA, YORK, CBTU, FMC, and CUPE 4400
The Walk With Excellence also takes place on June 18th in Ottawa. 

Itah Sadu - Organizer
A Different Booklist Cultural centre a
(647) 521-7874

Sent from my iPad on behalf of the March

Stephen Weir & Associates |
cell: 416-801-3101 twitter: sweirsweir 


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