Diver Magazine Christmas Article Part One - New Underwater Toys for Christmas

… And some will fit in your stocking! New Scuba Products For The Holiday This Year - The First Day of Christmas (Unedited story in 6-parts - Feature for December issue of Canada's Diver Magazine www.divermag.com ) By Stephen Weir With only a few weeks left until Christmas, the expert buyers at Diver Magazine have once again come to the rescue of weary holiday shoppers with our well-informed gift suggestions. This time, the buyers have zeroed in over 20 last-minute gift suggestions that are all new (or improved) this year. De Fog in De Stocking . Nanofilm, a maker of lens care products, has launched Clarity Defog It anti-fog liquid ($5.50 Cdn) and towelettes ($8 Cdn). The new products provide safe, highly effective, long-lasting fog prevention for all lenses including scuba masks. It is sold at Wal-mart Optical. www.nanofilmtechnology.com Little makes Big Gift: MC-1 mini camera . JW Fishers has been designing and building underwater search equipment for over 35-years. The Massac...