Emancipation Day August 1, 2021 Toronto

Slave Clothes On The Mink Mile? Only on Emancipation Day Photos and story by Stephen Weir: According to well-known activist, organizer and owner of Canada’s largest diversity bookstore, Itah Sadu what happened on Sunday on Bloor Street was neither a demonstration nor a parade. Maybe not but the Mas models, actors in chains wearing slave clothing and children holding Black Power signs walked the Mink Mile on Sunday afternoon – it was an August 1 st Emancipation Day to remember. “No, this was an act of love,” explained Sadu. “ We billed it as E mancipation on Bloor -- an animation of the Bloor Street Cultural Corridor from Yonge and Bloor (aka the Mink Mile) to Christie and Bloor adding to the all the terrific August First Emancipation Day activities here in Toronto.” Actors in slave clothing carry their chains Yonge & Bloor in Toronto It started after lunch at one of the busiest intersections...