Looking up Marilyn Monroe's concrete skirt

. HOW IS IT BUILT? Construction company using concrete, and lots of it, to give Marilyn Monroe curves that will stand the test of time. Toronto Star September 18th feature story (Condo Section: http://www.yourhome.ca/homes/realestate/article/861508--mississauga-condos-absolutely-brilliant ) By Stephen Weir Long after the world has forgotten Marilyn Monroe, two well endowed condos will still be twisting the years away in downtown Mississauga. Curvaceous. Shockingly new. Absolute Buildings 4 and 5 are being built to last for the next century and beyond. While their growing shapes are unconventional (Absolute 4 been dubbed the Marilyn Monroe because of its curves while Absolute 5 will sport a masculine big butt profile) it is the traditional application of concrete, and lots of it, that will make these buildings an eye-catching monument in time. The 50 and 56 story condominiums have been under construction for over three years. Now, as the structures begin to tower over the nearby City Ha...