Alvin Ailey Begins 60th Anniversary Tour in Canada

Revaluation - Alvin Alley 1960 signature piece What Goes Around, Comes Around On Toronto's Downtown Sony Theatre Stage By Stephen Weir No rain, wind or Polar Vortex could stop the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre group from travelling to Toronto to perform before sold audiences last weekend at the downtown Sony Centre. Thanks to crippling cold temperatures in New York City last Thursday over 8,000 flights were cancelled including those booked for the 30+ members of the Alvin Ailey troupe. “ We had major difficulties in leaving New York,” dancer Christopher R. Wilson told the Caribbean Camera on Friday night after their wildly successful first of three performances at the Sony. “We tried to leave New York twice on Thursday but our flights kept being cancelled because of the cold. We made it out this afternoon (Friday)” said Wilson. “It was a real rush to make it from the airport to our hotel, change and step onto the stage for 8pm. It wasn...