Celebration of Life and Memory of the late Don Moreland

Celebration of Life and Memory of Don Moreland - photo by Anthony Berot Amazing support: Don Moreland’s legacy lives on in Sunday’s Celebration of Life and Memory gathering By Stephen Weir Thanks to his ever present ladder, Don Moreland was a giant among photographers, and even more than that for the annual Toronto Caribbean Carnival. The popular photographer passed away January 18 as the result of a heart attack. On Sunday his family, friends and supporters gathered at a Dundas Street We Legion Hall to celebrate his life and legacy. Don’s partner of 22 years, Susanna Noel and her sons and daughters and his brother and sister welcomed over a 100 guests and well wishers to the afternoon event. “Today Don would have turned 59,” said Susanna Noel “ So let’s all wish him Happy Birthday.” Don Moreland - Facebook photo “(Don) was a beacon for all to see and admire. Bold and confident, his was a tenacious soul whose radiance was so grand h...