Jason Baldwin (West Memphis Future) is Going Back The Future With the Assocation in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted

Harold Levy and John Artis Photo by George Socka TWENTY YEARS OF SAVING THE INNOCENT. AIDWYC SET TO GO BACK TO THE FUTURE Originally published in Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/stephen-weir/wrongful-convictions_b_4256461.html#es_share_ended BY Stephen Weir. Over the past 20 years, the Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted (AIDWYC) have quarterbacked 18 post-conviction exonerations of people convicted of murder here in Canada. As AIDWYC gets set to mark its 20th anniversary, there are appeals before the courts that could cause that successful case count to rise. On Friday morning, the Supreme Court of Canada ordered that Leighton Hay , a Toronto man found guilty of first-degree murder in 2004, will have a new trial. For 12 years Mr. Hay and AIDWYC have been fighting to clear his name and the Supreme Court of Canada's decision is an important step towards establishing his innocence. A...