Rough Notes Mexican Diet Begins At The Bottom Of A Water Filled Cave

The dangers of drinking bat shit! Diver Caves Into Bat Infested Waters! Mayan River Runs A Small Price to Pay for Cenote Diving By Stephen Weir This picture, taken in a freshwater Yucatan Cenote (cave) was snapped at the exact moment in time that I realized that in 48-hours I was going to be sick. Really, really sick. Montezuma Revenge. Aztec two-step. GI's. Dysentery. And, let's now forget: flux, loose stools, runs, tourista, trots, and the one I coined after I got back from sink hole diving in Akumal, Mexico, the Mayan Riviera Runs. Not dissing Mexico's Mayan Rivera water system, the cleanliness of their eating establishments or the quality of the ice cubes. This was something self-inflicted and it could have happened in any "fresh" water cave in the world. Blame it on the sanitary habits of flying animals or Cenote diving being just too amazing for my own good. The east coast of Mexico’s Yucatan State is a flat, dry land void of rivers, lakes or much vegetati...