A Pride of Inflatables - transportation to check out a US Boat Show

Boat Show At Night. Sailors' Delight. Boat Show in the Day. Vendors Make Hay! Report from Annapolis By Pat Whetung Sailors be aware. Each autumn boaters flock to historic Annapolis, Maryland trying to hang on to the last vestiages of fall. The port city, nestled on the banks of Spa Creek in Chesapeake Bay, hosts the annual United States Sailboat Show . They come in cars. They come in inflatables. Some sail in. The common goal for all visiting sailors is to collect, connect and collaborate. The talk is all about boats, cruising, racing and significant events on and around the water. There are hundreds of boats on display to tour and, if the price is right, buy. On land there are scores of vendors hawking anything that might seperate a boater from his wallet! Lining up for tickets. Photo by Paul Horn In fact at this year's boat show, the vendors were selling just about everythingboaters’ needs...