When Steel Talks, Toronto Listens (On-line)

Heritage Toronto Bangs The Drum Slowly For Caribbean Canadians By STEPHEN WEIR The voices and pictures of the heroes of Toronto’s steel band community has come to the Internet. Earlier this year Heritage Toronto posted an audio and written experience that explores the contributions and importance of the steelpan to Toronto's music and Caribbean community through the first-hand accounts of four leading steelpan artists. Andre Rouse, Earl LaPierre Jr, Thadel Wilson and Wendy Jones are the stars of this online history that has recently been made by Heritage Toronto. It is posted on their popular website under the title of Timbre from Trinidad to Toronto. Heritage Toronto is an agency of the city that celebrates the heritage and the diverse stories of its people, places, and events here in Toronto. This high-profile department tells the city’s story through a number of popular programs, including tours, plaqu...