Chedwick Creightney New CAG Chair

Marching to the Tune of Different Drummers Stephen Weir The Caribana Arts Group (CAG), originally known as the Caribbean Cultural Committee (CCC), the founding organization of the original 20th-century Toronto street festival, held a virtual Annual General Meeting and election over the weekend. The CAG now has a new board, with Chedwick Creightney elected as Chair for the next three years and Damien Edwin as Vice Chair. CAG Across from City Hall at their Emancipation Day Parade 2024. SWEIR "Six members were elected, and five members will be appointed," said Geraldine Stafford, the CAG General Secretary. "We had a record-setting attendance of 174 members—our highest in at least the past decade." Chedwick Creightney, a Jamaican Canadian who lives and works in Pickering, previously served on the CAG board during the last term. According to Stafford, he brings significant fundraising and networking experience to the board. Chedwick i...