. STRANGE PRESS RELEASE PAIRINGS MAKE FOR GOOD INK – A REVIEW OF A WEEK OF ODD PRESS RELEASES Publicists have known this for years – strange bedfellows can make for interesting news items. This week several press releases crossed our desk that linked very different influences into a singular item worthy of media attention! Did you know Jedi warriors like Mac and Cheese? Or that Beer and Bourbon make for a much sought after limited edition Day of the Dead beverage? And coffee and pimples make for a sales winner. HEATING UP THE MAC AND CHEESE WITH A LIGHT SABRE: Two iconic brands deeply rooted in popular culture, are teaming to make the coming release of a new Star Wars movie forceful. Kraft and Disney are now a PR Jedi Knights duo slaying the competition for media pick-ups! The just launched KRAFT " Star Wars Macaroni and Cheese" campaign includes a limited edition Star Wars themed product box, Star Wars / Mac and Cheese TV commercials, and the KRAFT...