YaHaYa BaRuWa has knocked on 10,000 doors in Scarborough, to sell his first book

(The hard way to get a best seller) The Unusual Way One Man is Getting His Story Out - First Novel Sells Very Well Yahaya Baruwa talks about his book on William Doyle Marshall's CHRY show My Data Bag. Linda at the second mike. By Stephen Weir Posted: 09/20/2012 5:37 pm Huffington Post Canada http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/../../stephen-weir/struggles-of-a-dreamer_b_1897972.html Meet Yahaya Baruwa (pronounced: YaHaYa BaRuWa). He is a recent York University Graduate. On Tuesday he and I shared a microphone at CHRY-fm. It was the My Data Bag show with William Doyle Marshall. I was talking about art, films and books in a big picture fashion, Yahaya was much more practical -- very down to earth. He was there to talk about the difficult journey he took to get his new novel Struggles of a Dreamer published. Just like the title, it was a struggle for the Nigerian Canadian to just get the book printed....