PR Tales From My Blue Bin (some marketing and PR ideas are better left alone) From the Huffington Post By Stephen Weir: Saying something loudly doesn't make it true. Doubly so when it is the printed word doing all the yelling. I was given a card (pictured top) to keep so that I wouldn't forget the show I had just paid to see. Since then the card has been pinned to my corkboard wall. It has been up there for a while. It edges have started to curl. It has taken a couple of Starbuck splashes over time. I took it down yesterday when I realized the card's message -- Please Keep This Card As Your Memory Of The Show -- hadn't worked. I have no memory of getting that 3" by 4" piece of cardboard. I can't tell you what show I was at when I received the card. An art show? A play? A dance performance? Hmm. Probably something that was given out at a Toronto Harbourf...