UPDATE on underwater records -FIRST UNDERWATER TWITTER, emailed press release received

. Ukrainian Journalist, Julia Gorodetskaya, Sends World’s First Underwater Tweet WORLD'S FIRST UNDERWATER TWEET It was an unforgettable experience—to tweet side-by-side with dolphins at a depth of 19-feet underwater. Odessa, Ukraine April 19, 2010 — Ukrainian TV journalist, Julia Gorodetskaya (@gorodetskaya), recently sent the first underwater tweet from the floor of the 19-foot-deep dolphinarium, “Nemo,” in Odessa, Ukraine. The scuba tweeting session was broadcasted by local media and documented by regional press. The preparation process and the underwater tweeting was also filmed and broadcasted live by Boris Khodorkovsky (@netocrat) to his QIK account and placed on Youtube and other social media services. Julia Gorodetskaya Sends World's First Underwater Tweet The tweet was sent via a mobile phone sealed in plastic, using Opera Mini’s Web-interface of Twitter. The tweeting was organized by a national mobile operator with the help of professional divers, who prepared the pho...