Sneak This Book under The Tree.

How did this happen? The Christmas Rush is here By Stephen Weir IF your son or daughter has ever lined up all night on Yonge Street to buy a pair of designer sneakers, there is a book you might want to buy and sneak under the Christmas tree! Available only through on-line booksellers like and Indigo, The Art of Sneakers written by Hollywood actor Ivan Dudynsky, is the book of choice for "sneaker heads" around the world. "The sneaker is quite simply a piece of art. And why shouldn't it be? Try to name anther item that combines sport, technology, innovation, design and fashion all mushed into one 12-inch piece of rubber, nylon and leather," writes Jeff Staple, one of more than a dozen world sneaker experts who wrote chapters for this millennial-friendly highly visual coffee table book. Haven't heard of Staple? That means you are probably older than 30 and buy your sneakers at Wal-Mart. He founded an un...