Heads you lose-A Trinidad murder mystery based on true events from my past

I lost a client when he lost his head. (My last case before my headin’ down the straight and narrow and back to school - a mostly true story) A long 21st century goodbye. Moose Malloy style. I got a the message to drop the case on a mp4 file sent from Port of Spain by a scary dude who said he was part of the TuBox Gang. A Trini Youngun. 25, with eyes smouldering like pooled lava. “ Not doing Toronto. You are safe but not your Trini client. He’d better get his shit together. Fast. And remember his auntie and uncle are just a bullet spray away from where I am standing right now. No wall in this town can stop a MK47 burst.” IT was a dark adventure. My last. And you’ve probably already guessed It didn’t go well. But hey, I am still breathing. Of course there had been a murder. You can’t retell a who dunnit without a stiff. A ghastly one at that. I had been trying to save a young man’s life through the power of the public relations. but, well let me ...