Michelle Cooper wins

The Eglinton–Lawrence Election Results The Dream That Got Away Last week, in an election story by reporter Stephen Weir, two-time NDP candidate Natasha Doyle-Merrick announced that she was withdrawing from the race in the Eglinton–Lawrence riding. She stepped aside to prevent Michelle Cooper, the Progressive Conservative rookie candidate, from overtaking the Liberal hopeful. “I recognize that the race in Eglinton–Lawrence (including the Yonge–Eglinton area) is a clear two-party contest between the Liberals and Conservatives. To prevent a Conservative win and more years of neglect, I’m stepping aside to avoid a vote split,” Doyle-Merrick said days before last week’s vote. In an official campaign press release, the former candidate expanded on her decision to withdraw. “Lawrence Heights is my home. It is a community of talented, intelligent, and ambitious people who deserve to be heard—not just used every four years for votes,” she wrote. “This election is crucial because Dou...