The Joy of Mas, or Raptor Madness.

The Fordes pull it off with last Sunday’s ‘Ol Time Costume Launch By Stephen Weir If no more Mas bands come out of the woodwork and sign up for this year’s Toronto Caribbean Carnival, the costume launch season officially ended early last Sunday just before tip-off of the Raptor’s championship series game. Long time Mas producers and designers Jacky and Clarence Forde brought along Blue Devils, Dame Lorraine and many other traditional Carnival characters to their ‘Ol Time Mas! Launch at Scarborough’s Queen Victoria Pub. Blue Devil Costume The Forde’s Toronto Mas Arts is keeping characters like the Fancy Sailors, Robbers, Dame Lorraines, Moko Jumbies, Pierrot Grenades, Stick Fighters and Blue Devils in the parks and streets of Toronto this summer. These traditional carnival characters are being used in their outdoor theatrical presentations and in this summer’s Toronto Caribbean Carnival events. The Fordes are adept at turning lemons int...