BTS - logos, BLM and hopefully doggie poop bag sponsorship

The Globalization of Dumpster Diving Thanks To BTS Stock footage By Stephen Weir: I am a law-abiding guy. I always wear a mask when I am on Yonge St. I throw my McDonald’s wrappers in the trash and if I had a trendy Labra doodle I’d always pick up after him. Yesterday I went to McDonalds down the street to pick up my take-out order – Chicken McNuggets, Fries and Sweet Chili dipping sauce. No place to sit-down, so I stood in the parking lot with all the waiting Dash and Dine delivery guys and managed to lift my mask up, eat the chicken, slurp my Diet Coke from a purple cup and hoover my fries without dropping anything. Not a self-conscious guy but I noticed a lot of people, especially a young crew slouching around the nearby communal trash bin, staring at me. They watched every chew I made and every fry I slayed! Didn’t take me long to finish my food. I walked over to the trash bin and waited until a trendy guy put a Labra doodle waste bag down beside the can (he was too coo...