Caribbean Canadian Science Fiction takes off

Contessa of Brampton By Stephen Weir Life for people who might still be able to trace their Caribbean heritage thousands of years from now won’t have much to look forward to. But wait, if spaceship pilot Virika Sameroo takes that famous Bob Marley quote—“The people who were trying to make this world worse are not taking the day off. Why should I?”—to heart, she might be able to emancipate many people who carry Carib DNA in a universe far, far away, where people of color are treated like dogs by a white-dominated empire. It has been over a week since young Trinidadian-Canadian Suzan Palumbo’s literary spaceship docked in Canadian bookstores. Her new science fiction novel is not only a dark story about life on other planets but also carries hope for life, liberty, and sexual freedom for everyone! Countess is a sci-fi adventure story that, according to the Brampton author, was inspired by the ...