Breaking the ice - introduce Iceland's Dive Shop. River Diving in the lava fields

FISSURE FREEZING DIVING INLAND IN ICELAND Stephen Weir on the steps of Reykjavik's Sport Divers Club A cold clear rift river in the Thingvellir National Park It is cold. There is snow on the nearby mountain tops and most days the moon is up longer than the sun. It is late fall in Iceland and the fresh water dive season is still going strong! There are at least three dive operators this time of year in Iceland offering guided scuba fresh water tours to rift valley river in the Thingvellir National Park. One shop offers a second safari to a geothermic lake near the capital city of Reykjavik. There are ocean dives offered as well but are very much weather and sea condition dependent. Thingvellir Park is the most visited site in Iceland for three reasons. It is a region where two tectonic plates - the North American and Eurasian Plates all but touch. It's a place where the continental plates have meet and are now drifting...