No time to talk. Carnival -- Caribana -- is here for the 45th time
. But a Toronto Summer is always Hot, Hot, Hot. Jump Up. Jump Up. In the land of snow (feature article for WinTV's inflight magazine - Trinidad) Playing Mas in downtown Toronto - photograph by Andrew Weir In Canada, carnival is done differently. In Trinidad, you might even call it backwards. But hey, if you can get a million people to jump up, you gotta be doing something right. At Carnival in Trinidad, everyone plays Mas in the street. The players out-number the people watching by a long shot. In Toronto? There are million people cheering on the 16,000 people playing Mas along the city’s waterfront! The Scotiabank Toronto Caribbean Carnival is getting ready to hit the streets of Toronto, this August 4th. This is the 45 th year for the festival formally known as Caribana, and not only is going to be bigger, it is going to be better. The Toronto festival runs for three weeks and attracts over a million people ...