Last week's cover story by Stephen Weir proposed Jamaican movie is going to be a train wreck

--> Proposed Jamaican Film Gets The Nod From The Big Pitch By Stephen Weir Horrific crashes are the stuff movies are made of. The Titanic. The Hindenburg. The Twin Towers. And if the judges at the Caribbean Tales Film Festival (CTFF) are right the next Jamaica feature film to be made is sure to be the second biggest train wreck of them all. The CTFF has given the nod to a film proposal that wants to create a drama around the most famous Jamaican train wreck you have never heard of! The 1957 crash of a packed train near Kendal, Jamaica. “Yeah you probably never heard of the Kendal. I didn’t, and I am Jamaican,” said award-winning filmmaker Gabriel Blackwood. “When I did learn about the Kendal crash I knew I had to tell the story. You know when the train derailed over 60 years ago, it was the world’s second worse train wreck!” filmmaker Gabriel Blackwood picture by sweirsweir Kendal is the name of the feature length film the young Jamaican is g...