Karl Jirgens takes a picture of Stephen Marche STEPHEN MARCHE: Biblioasis March 8th talk wasn’t just any old flop As usual I arrived too early. Biblioasis staff were still putting up chairs and laying out cheese and crackers. Owner Dan Wells and author Stephen Marche were sitting at the front window of the bookstore, drinking wine, and trying to make two microphones work (not a great team, but they did get them working). Said “Hi” and bought a copy of Stephen Marche’s new On Writing & Failure: Or, On The Peculiar Perseverance Required to Endure the Life of a Writer . I thought $16 was a rather expensive price for a 73-page book. Oh well, I had an hour to kill, and I could break tradition and actually read a title before the book launch started. I left the store and shuffled down to Timmies near the train station (my home away from home), grabbed a coffee, sat at a window booth looking over a busy busy Wyandotte and started to speed read. I actually finished b...