Getting Social About Her Abuse In The Canadian Forces

. A slighty different version of this was written for my Huffington Post blog By Stephen Weir I spent the 80s and early 90s working for a company that designed, built and marketed weapons and defense systems to the military. I was often called upon to interact with military leaders at classified trade shows, product demonstrations and, of course, the never ending plant tours (The military Dog and Pony shows). In all my time on the job I never once helped with a Canadian Forces visit that included a high-ranking female officer. The business of buying multi-million dollar defense systems was a Man’s World, after all, women weren’t allowed to lead troops onto the battlefield (although some NATO allies were more enlightened). Sandra Perronn Toronto park - sweir photo I left that world in 1993, and it wasn’t until last month that I actually met a senior female combat office...