Janice Lynn Mather’s New Book - Uncertain Kin - just dropped

Linked Stories From Nassau. People Just Don’t Understand By Stephen Weir Wow – the young-uns knew a long time ago what an incredible story-teller Bahamian Canadian author Janice Lynn Mather is. And now it is the adults turn to discover this Governor General's Literary Finalists with this week's release of her new book Uncertain Kin . The Vancouver based writer first made a name for herself here in Canada with her first two books, Learning to Breathe and Facing the Sun. Not only did the Young Adult titles make a splash with junior high schoolers they won awards and were nominated for some biggies too. S he has just returned to the bookstore shelves with her first adult work of fiction. Uncertain Kin is a collection of linked stories about the lives of women and girls living in The Bahamas and Canada. Eighteen strange haunting stories introduce us to women and girls searching for identity and belonging during moments of profound upheaval. “I...