Getting Buns Of Steel: It Is All Done By The Book

New Body. New Book. And Check Out His Bamboo Fibre Underwear By Stephen Weir Jamaican Canadian fitness guru Andre Rose is holding a book launch tonight and he knows that everyone is going to want to look at his Buns of Steel. No, not his rear end (although the former body building is in fine fine shape) it will be about his just published book, Buns of Steel: The Unstoppable Pursuit Of Fitness. The evening launch of his first book is taking place the Brunswick Bierworks in York. The 39-year old has spent the last two years working on a book that is meant to help men get fit, healthy and age gracefully with a healthy mind and body. "This will help you break out of your mediocrity and negative mindset, and get you onto a new, exhilarating, passionate path of divine purpose and a life of freedom!" "The time to think about your health isn't once you turn 70, it is now when you can still do something!" he told the Caribbean Camera in a sit-down int...