Did Natasha’s Bold NDP Election Poison Pill Move Hand Victory to the Liberals? By Stephen Weir Did Natasha’s bold election move last week in the Etobicoke–Lawrence riding win one for the Left, or did she hand a victory to the Conservatives? Natasha Doyle-Merrick, the NDP candidate in the Conservative-leaning and affluent riding of Etobicoke–Lawrence, announced last week that she was ending her campaign, leaving the Liberals and the Conservatives to battle it out in today’s election. The Caribbean Canadian social activist sent a copy of her Twitter withdrawal statement to me, who reposted it after confirming its authenticity with her campaign. “I recognize that the race in Eglinton–Lawrence (including the Yonge–Eglinton area) is a clear two-party contest between the Liberals and Conservatives. To prevent a Conservative win and more years of neglect, I’m stepping aside to avoid a vote split,” said Doyle-Merrick. In an official campaign press release, the former candidate expanded o...