Idris Elba' film knocks it out of the Yarde at Canadian debut

Director Idris Elba Lots of Fighting In The Yardie While Audience Argue Over Jamaican to English Subtitles By Stephen Weir Yardie, a British/Jamaican action movie directed by superstar actor Idris Elba received its Canadian debut last week at the Royal Cinema in downtown Toronto. And while the 108-minute feature film was awash with blood and murder, everybody in the sold-out theatre left on their own two feet arguing about the Jamaican to English subtitles. British actor Idris Elba directed the full-length thriller (His first time behind the camera) and brought to Canadian by the Caribbean Tales Film Festival. Made a year ago but shown only briefly in the UK and the US, the Film Festival used this rare showing to introduce to the media the line-up of films for this September’s 2019 Festival. The movie, based on Victor Headly’s best selling Jamaican/British 1992 novel, is an uncompromising look at how a wave of black on black m...