Table Talk. Hip Vodka and much much more.

Table Talk. Hip Vodka and much much more. Yvette Martin is back in Toronto changing the entertainment world. By Stephen Weir Sitting around Yvette Martin’s kitchen table in her home northwest of Toronto shooting the breeze with a local reggae star the talk is dope . Even more so than one might expect because thousands of Jamaicans are watching and hanging on to every word Martin says in her new weekly radio and TV show. Producer. Actress. Playwright. Friend to the music world. Yvette Martin hosts this new radio and television weekly morning show on the Caribbean World Channel (CWCTV) in Jamaica that all takes place around her Canadian kitchen table. Visiting reggae stars. Actresses. New songs dropping every week. Often it is just interesting stories from one of the hardest working music producers this side of the US border. Her busy busy life, even during the lockdown is all fodder for her new issues based Caribbean World Channel show Table Ta...