Ryerson Gallery's African Women Will Gaze At Toronto Until December 8th

Artur Walther outside the Ryerson Gallery doors - sweirsweir They photographed African women’s gazes, now those women look at us – new exhibition at Ryerson’s art gallery By Stephen Weir Artur Walther is that guy. A self-made billionaire who in retirement has shucked off his golden handcuffs and dedicated himself to doing good things, including the collection and exhibition of historical and contemporary photographs. Over the course of the past 26-years, the former co-head of Goldman Sachs’ worldwide capital markets group in 1983 and the founding partner of Goldman Sachs’ operations in Germany has managed to create one of the world’s most important privately held photography collections. His Walther Collection Foundation has opened two photography museums – one in Germany, the other in New York City. On Tuesday the 70-year old collector was in Toronto to open a photography exhibition of African women. Way She Looks: A History of Female Gazes in Afri...