Trinidad superstar closes the Mas Costume Launch season with the NDP

--> Make Way For Montano’s Toronto Caribbean Carnival Story and Photographs by Stephen Weir Forget Peeks, the name sponsor of the Grand Parade. This year the annual festival could well be called Machel Montano’s Toronto Caribbean Carnival. The 2018 Mas Camp Costume Launch season ended last Saturday evening at the Rebel nightclub when Atlantic Mas held the 11 th and final mas fashion show. What a way to go -- the King of Soca, Machel Montano stood on stage and told Torontonians to go down the road with him this August 4 th . “Get your costume from Atlantic Mas and join me as we party till 6 am” the Trinidad singer told the estimated audience of 1,000+ at the high-energy costume launch. The world’s most recognizable Soca performer jetted in from New York City on the weekend, to perform at the costume launch and introduce his own Atlantic Mas section. “I am going to be on the (Atlantic Mas) truck! And after the parade we party” he said from the...