
Showing posts with the label salem express


 The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (story available for reprint and /or film work contact the author at The evil that befell us after diving the Salem Express annoying the guardian of the Egyptian pyramid FARSIDE CARTOON BY STEPHEN WEIR © The thing about worn-out tropes and stale-dated figures of speech, is that life doesn't get any better when you drop one of these oft repeated yawn bombs. Might even make life worse. Yeah, there are always a few exceptions. I’ll give you that if you are ambling through an orchard, it is useful to remember that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Heed the word or you may soon be wearing a Granny Smith crown on your head. "The only old-fashioned meme that I pay any attention to these days is the Mummy’s Curse," I whispered to the young secret agent who was lying beside me under my wobbly desk. "You know, the curse is that death or misfortune will fall upon those who disturb a pharaoh’s tomb...

Dive of Death

Egypt's newest tombs come with eels, lion fish and grave robbers GLOBE AND MAIL TRAVEL  27/10/2017,  DIVER MAGAZINE By Stephen Weir A black and white portable television hangs in the black water above the scuba divers while a sharkless remora glides unconcerned through the glare of the underwater lights. The torches illuminate a ship’s hold filled with the luggage of hundreds of dead pilgrims. A  wheel barrel is all but covered by a mountain of ripped  and torn soft back suitcases. Cotton bundles of clothing, still bearing stencilled Mecca slogans, have crushed  a baby’s  stroller and a companion crib.  The dust and grime from a month long desert pilgrimage  has left this jumbled mountain of  abandoned possessions and now clouds the water inside Egypt’s newest tomb -- the wreck of the Salem Express. Like the hundreds of other tourists who come each week to dive on the remains of this Red Sea shipwreck, our team of divers is touring a...