Patrick where for art thou - tale of theft and intrigue in the US Virgin Islands

Recent Fluff From Stephen Weir's Many December Facebook Postings . If he says Patrick a few times, you know he is hot ... and he is probably an illegal alien! While doing some research into a recent fatality in the US Virgin Islands, I searched through a number of recent press releases issued by the USVI police information officer. Serious business, but, I still was amused to read about a stolen parrot, who likes to say Patrick over and over and over again. Ac cording to the police, earlier today thieves on the island of St Croix stole two male African parrots, a power generator and a gate lock from a farm. The police say the value of the items was $4,200 and have asked locals to keep an ear out for any parrots saying Patrick. They are asked to call Crime Stoppers and say the word Patrick (over and over and over again).