New Jamaican inspired play opens May

When Death Come Run (but not till Martin’s play is over) By Stephen Weir for the Caribbean Camera Rehearsals are well underway for a new play which the playwright describes as a mash up of old time Jamaica and British theatrical farce. When Death Come Run by Torontonian Yvette Martin, opens the evening (8pm) of Friday May 4 th at the downtown Al Green Theatre. “ The play owes a lot to Agatha Christie written from a Jamaican perspective,” Martin explains. “Despite the part-patois title of the play, When Death Come Run is aimed at a general English-speaking audience”, The two-act play is set in the rainy Parish of Portland, Jamaica in the early 1970’s. The play, a comedic mystery focuses on two brothers in their late 60’s, Joshua Jenkins, the local tailor (John Phillips) and his brother Jerimiah Jenkins, the local grave digger and part time medicine man (David Smith). Along with their extended dysfunctional family they all try to come to terms wit...