The bride was all in white, including her fins and mask. Underwater first for St. Lucia

Bride and Groom all washed up, but that’s what made them so bubbly at this unique St Lucian wedding By Stephen Weir There wasn’t a dry eye at a very special St Lucia wedding held last Thursday. A well-known scuba diving Canadian travel agent Julie Gilchrist and her beau Sean Gillen decided to get hitched underwater and in doing so set a record for the Caribbean! This past weekend the third annual Saint Lucia Dive Festival ended with a wrap-up celebration to honour the Southern Ontario couple who literally deep-sixed their wedding vows two days before. It all happened some 30 feet down on the sandy bottom of a Caribbean bay near the ever-so-posh Royalton Resort. St Lucia is no stranger to out-of-country couples getting married on the island. In fact they hold over 700 such weddings every year. But never ever in the history of the island have they ever seen such a wedding – it all took place underwater where the fish out-numbered the g...