When Sisters Speak

The Spoken Words Of Dwayne Morgan Dwayne Morgan is a name that has been garnering attention recently. The Scarborough spoken word poet delivered a performance on the first day of Black History Month at the Power Plant art gallery at Harbourfront. Next month, he is set to present "When Sisters Speak" at the St Lawrence Centre as part of Black Mental Health Week. On January 1st of last month, to be precise, he received the Order of Ontario! Since 1993, Dwayne Morgan has been a prominent figure and an integral part of Canada's spoken word and live arts scene. Affectionately nicknamed 'The Godfather' of Canadian spoken word poetry, Morgan has been providing a platform for women of color to share their stories and experiences through spoken word poetry for the past 24 years. "When Sisters Speak" is the largest and longest-running spoken word showcase featuring Black women in North America. This year's event will be held on March 9 as part of Black Menta...