Three Shows To Make Contact With Before It All Ends

. . AS MAY FADES, SO DOES THE CONTACT FESTIVAL. STILL TIME TO SEE MAGGS, MACLEANS AND SCHOOL EYED KENYA! (Draft article for Huffington Post Blog) Somewhere in the great city of Toronto, there is an art lover who has seen every single Contact Festival picture hung by over 1,500 Canadian and international photographers in 175 venues throughout the city. But for the rest of us, it is a challenge to see at best a few of the exhibitions that make up the world's largest month long photography festival. With only a few days left in the At the Design Exchange Big Show, what will you see? May I suggest three - the late Arnaud Maggs (AGO/Ryerson), Maclean's Face to Face (Gladstone Hotel) and the intriguing group show - I Am Standing In The Place Where I Live - by four students from Emori Joi High School in Kenya (Design Exchange)! I Am Standing In The Place Where I Live : Christopher Nokes is a well-known figure in Toronto's art...