Danek Mozdzenski gets a million dollar commission to create a statue of Sir Issac Brock

. BROCK AND BRONZE IN SAINT CATHARINES, ONTARI O ( http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/stephen-weir/danek-mozdzenski-wins-a-m_b_3393809.html ) Sketch of Danek Mozdezenski's proposed Brock sculpture Every winter, w hen the temperature dips below zero, and the snow swirls across the campus of the University of Alberta, someone trudges out into the cold and puts a toque and scarf around Danek Mozdzenski's life-sized statue of Martin Luther. And on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, new Canadians, fresh from citizenship ceremonies get their pictures taken around Mozdzenski's famous seated statue of Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson. " Children are often placed on Pearson's raised foot for the picture," said the Edmonton, Alberta sculptor. "So much so that Pearson's shoe is much shinier than the rest (of th e statue)." In a year's time, students at St Catharine's Brock University are going to have a Mozdzenski of their own. On Tuesday it w...