L-Tower. Penthouse View is Out and Up. North Star and Yonge Street

Rendering of Toronto's L-Tower This is one glass ceiling you won’t want to break through L-Tower penthouse suite at Yonge and Front lets you look out and up out of the same big window By Stephen Weir Stephen@stephenweir.com There are now eight luxurious penthouse units for sale at the L-Tower project in downtown Toronto. When built, these two-level skyboxes will be at the top of a 58-storey all-window condo building, where their mass is all glass! “ The problem with all-glass buildings is that they all begin to look the same, unless you are willing to make a bold move,” said Sam Crignano, partner in Cityzen Development. “Architect Daniel Libeskin has done just that … no more so than with the 57/58 floor penthouse suites!” Backstreet view of Libeskind L-Tower construction site. Downtown Toronto. The penthouse suites will have 2-storey tall, all-glass windows. For the units facing north up Yonge Street, the glass actually angles in a curv...