
Showing posts with the label Steel Pan

Cupid has an angel's touch. Teaching visitors to the Science Centre about the heavenly sounds of the Pan

. Scotiabank Caribana Programming at the Science Centre in June 2010 The secret to playing the steel drum? Don't bang the instrument with your "sticks", roll them across the surface of the metal ... or so says pan expert Salmon Cupid. Cupid, a music teacher within the Toronto District School Board is also the inventor of the E-Pan, the world's first electronic steelpan. On Friday morning he was at the Ontario Science Centre with 20 sets of steel pans and his E-Pan. The Ontario Science Centre has become a partner in the annual Scotiabank Caribana Festival. The Science Centre sponsored Salmon Cupid's visit to their building. Cupid had the help of a number school aged players and also called up members of the auidence to come up and learn all about the steel pan. The steelpan, also known as the steeldrum, is an invention that was made in Trinidad and Tobago. It is an acoustic musical instrument indigenous to that nation which remains to this day, the only such inv...