Underwater Records and Acheivements in 2012

Diving into the past – Important 2012 underwater milestones and of course the dubious records For the Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/../../stephen-weir/underwater-feats-2012_b_2382560.html Ignore what Captain Kirk said. In 2012 the last frontier was underwater. Never in the history of the planet has mankind ventured so far under the surface. And, in pushing the underwater boundaries, more individual achievement records were set this year than ever before. From the 7-mile underwater depth record set by Canadian filmmaker explorer James Cameron inside a futuristic one-man bathysphere, to freediver Ashley Futral Chapman who went down to 67 meters (223 feet) and back on a single breath of air, new milestones continue to be made and to be broken. Skimming through our back pages we noted the following achievements, albeit some of them pretty dumb that were reached over the past 365 days. CSS Website Photograph ...