Rubin Hurricane Carter Champion of Justice Award,

October 2, 2024 , Innocence Canada and other innocence, and social justice groups worldwide will join together in our shared goal of spreading awareness about wrongful convictions. International Wrongful Conviction Day (IWCD) was launched by Innocence Canada on October 2, 2014. In recognition of this special milestone year, Innocence Canada, and the International Wrongful Conviction Day Committee( IWCDC) are hosting a IWCD 10 th Anniversary Gala Event. This night provides us all the opportunity to recognize, acknowledge and honour the wrongly convicted, their families, advocates, and supporters Event: 10 th Anniversary of IWCD Where: Ontario Bar Association (OBA), Grand Salon 20 Toronto Street, Toronto, Ontario. Time: Reception: 5:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. followed by the evening’s programme! Exonerees from across Canada will be attending and part...