Marcia Ien gets Social with the voters of Toronto Centre.

Marci Ien is getting social with voters in Cabbagetown, Rosedale, The Gay Village and Regent Park By stephen weir Marci Ien has left the world of TV and if the voters in Toronto Central agree, is on her way to starring in the Big Show. Caribbean Canadian journalist, TV personality and soon-to-be author is the Liberal candidate for a Federal By-election that is being held on October 26 in downtown Toronto. Ien has been a fixture on morning television in Canada for almost 30-years. The Ryerson graduate has been an anchor on CTV’s Canada AM and for the past five years as a panelist on the midmorning talk show The Social . She has taken a leave from the show to run for the seat recently vacated by embattered Liberal Finance Minister Bill Morneau. Although Toronto South is considered one of the safest Liberal seats in the country, rookie candidate Ien is up against nine other candidates from both established and fringe parties. Of note is that newly minted Green Party leader, ...