
Showing posts with the label funny

Heads you lose-A Trinidad murder mystery based on true events from my past

  I lost a client when he lost his head. (My last case before my headin’ down the straight and narrow and back to school - a mostly true story) A long 21st century goodbye.   Moose Malloy style.   I got a the message to drop the case on a mp4 file sent from Port of Spain by a scary dude who said he was part of the TuBox Gang. A Trini Youngun. 25, with eyes smouldering like pooled lava.   “ Not doing Toronto. You are safe but not your Trini client. He’d better get his shit together. Fast. And remember his auntie and uncle are just a bullet spray away from where I am standing right now. No wall in this town   can stop a MK47 burst.” IT was a dark adventure. My last. And you’ve probably already guessed It didn’t go well. But hey, I am still breathing. Of course there had been a murder. You can’t retell a who dunnit without a stiff.   A ghastly one at that. I had been trying to save a young man’s life through the power of the public relations. but, well let me ...


  THE LAST KISS'S KISS (UNWIN FICTION BY STEPHEN WEIR) It was May 2nd, 1974, when Kiss made their first appearance in Detroit. We met that night. Kiss couldn't afford bodyguards, so she had no trouble climbing onto the stage. Gene Simmons, weighed down in his new glam and glitter heavy metal costume, needed help from Paul Stanley to kiss her and toss her back. Wearing a wide-assed smile, she crowd-surfed across the mosh pit right into my arms. We're still together. Kiss still matters to us Big Time. The Starchild. Demon. Space Ace. Catman. There is no room left on our bodies for another tattoo. When news broke that the band was performing their very last concert at the Casino, I made a solemn vow to her. We would be there. No way no how could we buy tickets. We live off our Pensions, but lie, cheat or steal we will see the Last Kiss. She was going to kiss and crowd-surf one last time, no matter who I had to kill. We decided to go old school. Stoned. Its been decad...