
Showing posts with the label Ste[hen Weir

Q and A with director of But You're Not Black - Danielle Ayow

FILM MAKER, ACTRESS AND COMEDIAN HAS  LEARNED TO  PLAY THE GUITAR DURING THIS  LONG LONG SHUTDOWN Wow.  But You’re Not Black is travelling to cities this fall we Canadians can’t get to. Earlier this month the Caribbean Camera printed my story about the short autobiographical movie by Scarborough’s  Danielle Ayow which will be showing at next month’s CaribbeanTales Film Festival.   What we didn’t say was that even though the movie has never been shown to a paying audience before, and while most theatres and film festivals have had to go online – Ayow’s funny and brave story is already making waves! Why is there so much interest in the 30-minute film about Ayow’s struggle to be seen not as a Chinese woman but as a Trini! As part of the paper’s semi-regular feature about how members of the Caribbean Canadian community is handling the Pandemic quarantine, I went back to ask Ayow a few questions about how she is doing these days and dig a little bit m...