Dragon Boy Flies Above the Stage For Carnival
It Was A Three for Three Junior Carnival Weekend
By Stephen Weir Photographs by Don
It started Friday night and ended early Sunday
evening. Three days. Three Junior Carnival costume launches.
It all played out this past weekend in
Scarborough. D’ New Regulars & Foreva Carnival, Venom Carnival and Epic
Carnival held parties and costume shows for youngsters interested in taking
part in the Junior Carnival Parade later this summer.
About 50 parents and their children came to the Nugget
Avenue Twilight Restaurant early Friday evening to see the junior costumes
designed by D’New Regulars & Foreva Carnival. It was a free event –
complete with food and face painting - to show children what costumes they could
wear in the coming July 21st Junior
Carnival Parade in Malvern as part of the Toronto Caribbean Carnival.
The launch fashion show got off to a late start with
about 20 children taking to the stage at 8pm just when the fete was suppose to
end. The kids were energetic on stage
and parents gave them all a standing ovation!
On Saturday afternoon parents were back with their
children on Nugget Avenue, this time at the Twilight Warehouse a few doors down
from the café where the Friday show had been held. The Venom Junior show was
high energy, with four sections hitting the stage over the course of an hour.
Over a hundred parents and children attending rewarded
the youngster with an extended ovation when it was all over!
On Sunday at the Epic Carnival launch it was easy for the 30 young models – both female and male in four sections -- to their cool, thanks to the venue. They performed on a large stage built overtop of an ice covered curling rink at the Tam and Heather Club on Military Trail in Scarborough. More than 100 parents and their children took in the free event.
At most of the junior launches the girls tend to be the
more polished performers – big dance steps, poise and presence. This was the case at Epic but for one young man
wearing black dragon wings. He stood out from the crowd by showing everyone
that dragons can indeed fly, spending most of his 2-minute routine in the
To date eight mas camps have held
costume launches for the children. There
will be three more weekend parties before the July 21st Junior
Carnival Parade and Family Day which will take place in Malvern adjacent to the
Neilson Park.