UPDATE on underwater records -FIRST UNDERWATER TWITTER, emailed press release received

Ukrainian Journalist, Julia Gorodetskaya, Sends World’s First Underwater Tweet
It was an unforgettable experience—to tweet side-by-side with dolphins at a depth of 19-feet underwater.
Odessa, Ukraine April 19, 2010 — Ukrainian TV journalist, Julia Gorodetskaya (@gorodetskaya), recently sent the first underwater tweet from the floor of the 19-foot-deep dolphinarium, “Nemo,” in Odessa, Ukraine. The scuba tweeting session was broadcasted by local media and documented by regional press. The preparation process and the underwater tweeting was also filmed and broadcasted live by Boris Khodorkovsky (@netocrat) to his QIK account and placed on Youtube and other social media services.
Julia Gorodetskaya Sends World's First Underwater Tweet
The tweet was sent via a mobile phone sealed in plastic, using Opera Mini’s Web-interface of Twitter. The tweeting was organized by a national mobile operator with the help of professional divers, who prepared the phone for the plunge. Radio waves passed to the surface through an elongated antenna.
Julia sent a total of four messages to Twitter. The signal from the scuba video camera was transmitted to the large plasma panel for journalists to see and record the underwater tweeting session.
Gorodetskaya, who did not know how to dive or swim prior to the event, quickly overcame her doubts when she discovered the opportunity to be the first underwater Twitter user.

“Being underwater for the first time is not easy—to navigate, to move, not to mention sending messages. Your ears are smothered; the wetsuit compresses the body; your movement constrained by fear. But it was well worth to stand the test,” said Gorodetskaya.
“The idea of transmitting something to the world from underwater was proposed by the PR manager of a national mobile operator. Somehow, I rashly agreed, not completely understanding how difficult it would be. Boris Khodorkovsky, my friend and colleague, proposed sending an underwater tweet. It was an unforgettable experience—to tweet side-by-side with dolphins at a depth of 19-feet underwater,” she added.
Here is the text of the first documented underwater tweet translated from Russian: “This is first in history #underwater_tweet. I told you, @netocrat.”
About Julia Gorodetskaya
Julia Gorodetskaya is a Ukrainian TV journalist and blogger from Odessa with 10 years of experience in journalism. Julia worked as an editor for several news programs, including holding the position of editor-in-chief of ATV TV channel in Odessa. Today, Julia is distantly working for a mobile TV channel in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, introducing prominent social issues to the public.
CUTLINES: Top: Julia Gorodetskaya tweeting from the pool - a new world record! Photo from Flickr
Bottom: Julia Gorodetskaya meets with the media after making dive history. Photo from Flikr

Ukrainian Journalist, Julia Gorodetskaya, Sends World’s First Underwater Tweet
It was an unforgettable experience—to tweet side-by-side with dolphins at a depth of 19-feet underwater.
Odessa, Ukraine April 19, 2010 — Ukrainian TV journalist, Julia Gorodetskaya (@gorodetskaya), recently sent the first underwater tweet from the floor of the 19-foot-deep dolphinarium, “Nemo,” in Odessa, Ukraine. The scuba tweeting session was broadcasted by local media and documented by regional press. The preparation process and the underwater tweeting was also filmed and broadcasted live by Boris Khodorkovsky (@netocrat) to his QIK account and placed on Youtube and other social media services.
Julia Gorodetskaya Sends World's First Underwater Tweet
The tweet was sent via a mobile phone sealed in plastic, using Opera Mini’s Web-interface of Twitter. The tweeting was organized by a national mobile operator with the help of professional divers, who prepared the phone for the plunge. Radio waves passed to the surface through an elongated antenna.
Julia sent a total of four messages to Twitter. The signal from the scuba video camera was transmitted to the large plasma panel for journalists to see and record the underwater tweeting session.
Gorodetskaya, who did not know how to dive or swim prior to the event, quickly overcame her doubts when she discovered the opportunity to be the first underwater Twitter user.

“Being underwater for the first time is not easy—to navigate, to move, not to mention sending messages. Your ears are smothered; the wetsuit compresses the body; your movement constrained by fear. But it was well worth to stand the test,” said Gorodetskaya.
“The idea of transmitting something to the world from underwater was proposed by the PR manager of a national mobile operator. Somehow, I rashly agreed, not completely understanding how difficult it would be. Boris Khodorkovsky, my friend and colleague, proposed sending an underwater tweet. It was an unforgettable experience—to tweet side-by-side with dolphins at a depth of 19-feet underwater,” she added.
Here is the text of the first documented underwater tweet translated from Russian: “This is first in history #underwater_tweet. I told you, @netocrat.”
About Julia Gorodetskaya
Julia Gorodetskaya is a Ukrainian TV journalist and blogger from Odessa with 10 years of experience in journalism. Julia worked as an editor for several news programs, including holding the position of editor-in-chief of ATV TV channel in Odessa. Today, Julia is distantly working for a mobile TV channel in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, introducing prominent social issues to the public.
CUTLINES: Top: Julia Gorodetskaya tweeting from the pool - a new world record! Photo from Flickr
Bottom: Julia Gorodetskaya meets with the media after making dive history. Photo from Flikr