Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada visits Famous PEOPLE Players

DANCING IN THE DARK WITH THE QUEEN’S REPRESENTATIVE Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada is the closest thing to Royality in Canada except maybe for Drake. So it with some pomp and circumstance that she paid a visit to the Famous PEOPLE Players, in Etobicoke on Tuesday afternoon. Arriving at the Evans Avenue dinner theatre, she brought with her a sense of pomp and ceremony. As a piper played, the audience stood and cheered, TV cameras rolled, and the Governor General responded with a royal-like wave. Mary Simon ( left ) attended the Famous PEOPLE Players theatre to watch a dress rehearsal of the company’s new play, meet with the cast and crew, and enjoy tea with the standing-room-only audience. This visit was particularly special as the Famous PEOPLE Players are celebrating their 50th anniversary next month. The black light musical company has been a beacon of inclusion and integration for half a century, making it one of the longest-running...